Runners Clinic

For All Runners

Our MedSport Runners Clinic is for all runners—whether you have been running at elite levels or recreationally—and will promptly and effectively evaluate your injury or condition.

We can also identify ways to help you minimize the risk of re-injury due to your running mechanics.

Our Services Include:

  • Anti-gravity treadmill training and rehabilitation
  • An evaluation by a MedSport licensed physical therapist or athletic trainer
  • Suggestions for strengthening and flexibility exercises
  • Gait evaluation to assess your running or walking mechanics
  • Guidelines for a progressive return to your prior running level
  • Modification to your running form to correct adverse running mechanics
  • Referral to a MedSport sports medicine physician or orthopaedic surgeon as needed

We want you to return to the sport you love as soon as you can—and to remain injury free.

Make an Appointment

To make an appointment, please call our Contact Center at 1-734-936-7070. Visit our Make a MedSport Appointment page for more information about preparing for your appointment.